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Patent and Trademark

What is a patent? A patent is a right or title given to an individual or an organization by the government which ensures that their invention isn't misused or produced by any other company or organization for some time. This right is given when the public or the government is informed about the invention.

Patent and IPR filing


The process of getting an IPR number may be a tedious and crucial one. We at Rua put our finest experts to help you in getting your IPR number through a smooth and stress-free process with regular updates and check-ins. We work in a systemized and scheduled manner that enables us to reap efficient results.


Patent and IPR commercialization


Commercialization of intellectual property is critical as it involves monetization of IPR, Licensing and Financing, Business contracts, and much more. There are many ways to have the commercialization of an IPR done, all of which are dependent on the type of IPR and the resources available. With our guidance and maximized efforts, you'll be able to reap the profits that you desire and have an effective and growing business with complete utilization of available resources.


Patent and other Licensing procedures


Licensing a patent is one of the main tasks, as this helps you put out your product on the market for business growth. Before getting a license it's best to completely layout as to what exactly you have in mind for your product, its sales, and its ownership, and then to proceed. Our experts will be with you at all times, helping you understand and analyze your options and to help you choose the best for your Patent and company.


Patent and other IPR value, litigation and enforcement


There’s always competition and sometimes things get tacky and there might be plagiarizing, out of a will or not, as unfair as it might be to the original inventors there are ways to avoid the certain situation through a simple yet effective process  of having an IPR Litigation and enforcement as they avoid such mishappenings as having enforcement enables one to have access to:

  • Copyright infringement

  • False advertising

  • Trade secrets

  • Cybersquatting

  • Trademark Infringement and dilution

  • Patent Infringement

  • Post-grant proceedings


Our experts at Rua offer all of these services with their efficient training and experience.


Patent analysis, search, draft, and filing


Patent analysis is studying pre-existing and attached information in Patents through various techniques, software’s or through a data analysis spreadsheet. A patent search is the analysis of already-issued patent and patent applications that are given "prior art" which is given for important inventions. Prior Art is named to anything that is patented or not. It helps determine if an invention is made or not yet.   


Patent Drafting is the set of pointers and information about the invention it needs to understand the concept of the prior art and if the invention is patentable.

Sounds like a lot, right? It sure is, but not to worry. We will always be one step ahead making sure you understand the process, are comfortable, will give top priority to what you need to get done, and how you would want it.


Trademark Analysis, search, and filing


Trademark is a symbol or sign that tells the origin or entity of a product and differentiates it from others. There are certain steps and procedures one must follow before getting their very own trademark. One should first check if there's a similar trademark already in use through the trademark search which can be done through a trademark attorney. Secondly, If your trademark happens to be unique and it is not in use by another person then the attorney will go ahead put in an application.

The process is long and might be a little taxing, but yet again anything done right and properly has long-lasting effects. Moreover, Rua is always at your side making sure what you do is right for your company and you.


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